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Little sheep of my Sacred Heart, today as the Good Shepherd I desire to gather my sheep into the fold of my Sacred Heart, that in him you may be nourished, fed, healed, cured, freed.

Little sheep, let yourselves be found by me. Many little sheep, when they see me, flee and run away from me even more. Little lambs, you do not run away, let yourselves be found by me, do not be ashamed that I see you wounded, that I see you guilty, that I see you naked, that I see you hungry, that I see you sick, because I need to see the reality of your hearts in order to transform you and change you into the Will of my Father.

Sheep of my flock, live in peace, learn to live in peace. When will you stop condemning each other? When will you stop labeling others as worse or sinners? When will you stop offending each other?

Sheep, my Good Shepherd tears are continually shed because my flock does not live in peace. Live in peace! Love one another as I have loved you. Stop condemning and criticizing yourselves because you are following only the example of the Pharisees and teachers of the Law. Do not be white-washed tombs, little sheep. Be humble, transparent and simple. Learn to love, to serve, to pray.

My Mother, the Coredemptrix desires that you live her example of prayer, silence, love and hope in the Will of my Father.

Live in peace. It is necessary that you, living in peace, make reparation for the violence in which humanity is immersed. Live in unity so that, with unity, you may repair the division that exists in families, in the Church in creation.

Little lambs, listen to me and obey me. I love and bless you. I am the Good Shepherd who gives his life for you in the Holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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