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In Bethlehem, when we asked for an inn, all the houses refused and closed their doors. As we continued walking, we saw a cave converted into a manger, a stable, where the animals took refuge. My Beloved and Virgin Spouse encouraged me to go there. As soon as we arrived, the beautiful Mary immediately started to work, to fix, to clean, to order, while I lit the fire with the wood and moved the animals away from the improvised crib, where God Almighty would rest.

How beautiful it was to see Mary work and serve! Wherever Mary came, she came to serve, to place herself at the disposal of the least of her brothers and sisters. There too, in her state, Mary began to serve God. But from there, from that forgotten, ignored, and unappreciated place, the Redeemer was born, and his Work was born. The first to go and receive him were shepherds, caretakers of flocks of sheep, rough men without education, but poor, but very humble, those men of little souls went to adore him.

My children, by this I want to teach you that Heaven does not need great things or great figures to build a Work. Here in this blessed place, in a Little Garden, in a Spiritual Manger, in this very little space, are the Three Hearts, which were united that night in Bethlehem, Jesus, Mary and I, Saint Joseph. We do not need anything big to build the Kingdom of God. The tiniest things and the simplest souls are the stone from which we build a great Work.

And with this I also invite you to be simple and to be little. Only the little souls will understand that this little Work is something great for God. The Father exalts the humble, and those who hunger for love and holiness he fills with his Spirit. The simple Heart is a docile, obedient, and helpful Heart.

I invite all the apostles of our Sacred Hearts not to forget that you are with us in the Little Manger of the End Times.

I love you and I give you my Patriarchal Blessing: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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