My beloved children, I wish to talk to you about spiritual littleness; to be little spiritually should not be confused with spiritual mediocrity; to be little is to have a heart of a child and to be poor in spirit. To be poor in spirit means: to be deprived of your humanity and to abandon yourself in the hands of the Father, so that he may dispose, that he may decide, and that he may act according to his Divine Wisdom.
To be little is to trust entirely in my mercy; it is to expect continuously everything from the Divine Providence. To be little is also to rejoice in service, to feel peace in fraternal communion with our neighbor, and to live without fear my Word and my Messages. Little souls are those that I choose to share with them my Cross, my Sorrows, my Sufferings, and my Tears, because those souls do not spare anything, they give themselves everything, including their own life, and they donate it for love for the conversion of all.
And why have I chosen a little Elijah at this time? Because a great soul would never understand my Desires and my Will; it must be a little soul to convey my Message. And why an Elijah? Because Elijah is the one who gathers, who assembles, who exhorts the people to abandon: spiritual prostitution, infidelity to God, and division of the people of God, to unite, to love each other, and to serve each other.
And at this time when division, confusion, and hatred rule the world, a little soul is needed, to gather, to assemble, and to congregate. That is why also only little souls will listen to the child that leads the flock. Only little souls! The soul that is little on earth is great in Heaven!
I too am little in the Eucharist, hidden in a simple little piece of bread God is little too! And this is the greatness of God in being: so simple, so little, so merciful.
I love you and I bless you: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.